There are a few main thrusts in my blogging that are highlights. My blogging highlights the ways in which I have more thoughtfully considered the needs of the 21st century learner and how to better meet these needs. I have also considered the role of technology in student learning and curriculum development. Throughout my blogging, I used commentary from Hayes Jacobs fairly frequently as her ideas and perspectives assist us in meeting the needs of the 21st century learner.
In thoughtfully considering the needs of the 21st century learner my blogging helped me to focus on the importance of preparing the student for the increased connection to our global world that technology now offers us. I was happy to report about how my own subject of World Language fits in so critically to prepare our students for the language and cultural awareness necessary to function with increased global connectivity.
In my blogging, I have thought about the role of technology from a student’s perspective and how this is viewed both positively and negatively. It shed great light for me as a teacher upon what the student believes about technology; its usage to them for their learning, and socializing, as well as technology as a pervasive component of their reality. This generation has great hopes and great fears about how technology will operate in their lives. In conducting this research, I learned a lot about how I will structure technology usage in my classroom. It will definitely be included, but not without thorough reflection as to how technology functions to enhance learning, on the part of both teacher and student.
My blogging also helped me to investigate more fully the role of technology for the future of language learning. With all of new technology and its improvements in translation capabilities, it has directed me to think about what this means for the future of language learning and has brought up many questions. All in all I have enjoyed blogging as a means to more thoughtfully consider my own role the curriculum development process.
It is amazing what blogging can do for learning. It is important that we think and ask ourselves questions about are own learning.